Monday, February 1, 2010

The Cold Truth

It's easier for you to read my words than to hear me right now. Why? Because it's February in Michigan and my voice has to travel through layers of clothing to emerge. My face is hidden behind a hat brim, scarf, and coat collar -- it's the only way to stay warm outside.

The air feels damper here than in Wisconsin. Maybe that's just my internal barometer, but perception is reality, right? I hear Michigan natives commenting about the cold, too. My book group at the local library usually chats for a few minutes after the last word, but lately we've just waved and bolted for our cars. Or as close to a bolting pace as we can manage while wearing hiking boots and two pairs of socks.

I have enrolled in the Fahrenheit School of Fashion. For ammo, I pulled out a long black sweater dress that's like a lengthy mitten. It goes over boots, tights, ski socks, whatever it takes. Sometimes I feel like the layers are wearing me.

My new look includes winter hats, not for the jaunty fashion of the berets and work caps, but rather for the warmth. When my hairstylist suggested a shorter hair length, I deferred until spring.

Meanwhile, I'm chillin', literally.

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